Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ich werde getrunken.

July 2, 2008 11:54 PM +1 GMT

   So I found this cute little bar/restaurant about 3km from the station. I was getting bored just wandering around here. I got a couple decent pictures on my trek, discovered a beautiful little church on the way. The bartender at this place had no idea what I was saying. But that was OK. I said Warsteiner and everything was gut. I probably tipped more than most Europeans do, but hey, I work service industry too. So yea, I had a few beers, had a good walk, met a few locals. And now I'm back at the station. Train leaves in 5 hours. I'm gonna find a nice little place to curl up and hopefully not get robbed/arrested.

    Sidenote: (as I'm sure you're getting used to) This country smells….well…..funny. There's a distinct fragrance to the air here. I can't put a finger on it. It's nice, but at the same time, disgusting. It's almost as if all the old women of the world decided at once to relocate to Germany. Flowers. But musky. I can't explain it. Maybe I can bottle it and bring it back for all of you to sample. I'd like a verdict one way or the other.

    TXT'd Kristin a while ago just to say hi. I hope she knows how much I miss her. This IS only my 2nd day and all…but it already feels like I've been away for ages. I was telling her, I feel like such a child here. Everything I say people laugh at. It's very, very, humbling. Never again will I give any shit to my foreign tables at the Olive Garden. Wait, what am I talking about. Yes I will. It's fucking funny. I'm pretty sure that earlier I asked a girl "Are you can know if a Train Station has been closed for some time tomorrow?" Lol. I'm just a stupid Americano in Deutschland. Pray for me.


Duse – thanks for the call yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye…and give you a big gay hug to go with it. There's always next time =) Miss you bro. And Tony, I walked next to a black Norweigen? midget today for almost 2km on the streets of Berlin. Kent State represent. Feel your tender kisses soon.