July 3, 2008 9:27 AM +1 GMT
So I made it to Dresden in one piece. Arrived by CNL (City Night Line) Train this morning around 7:15. I must admit, the train ride was well worth the 35 euro's it cost. It was VERY quiet. Very smooth. And the countryside was just awesome. I tried to take photos, but we were moving too fast for my camera – sorry guys. One thing that drove me nuts about the train before I forget, why the hell don't they do control before departure? Check your ticket at the door just like a plane. Makes sense right? Why wait until everyone is sleeping. I think that all Controllers are actually just sadists who enjoy waking people up by yelling and knocking loudly on your door. We left the station 30 minutes ago – what are you gonna do, kick me off for not having a ticket? Shit, I guess I never really thought of that – maybe that's where all the missing backpackers end up…in a cow pasture in the middle of Bumfucken Germany.
I can tell you without uncertainty that I'm already in love with this city. Berlin felt a little like that Kurt Russel movie where LA becomes a prison camp. Mean looking faces around every corner, graffiti covering nearly 90% of every public building. Dresden, well…is fucking beautiful. The architecture actually has room to breath here. There's public art everywhere, and a younger population in general. Granted I've only been here for 2 hours. But I made a valiant effort to see as much as possible before I sought out a WiFi connection. I'll probably just be taking pictures for the rest of the afternoon – fulfill my duty as a tourist. Yay! I despise tourists. Oh well.
I know I'm forgetting something. Schiss.